Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day, which I believe is a made up holiday but in the spirit of things, I wanted to do a little shout-out to my favorite Valentine's.  

To my family: I know it's not easy to see me go through this so thank you for being strong.  Not everyone is lucky enough to have family that will be there at a drop of a hat (even though you live far in the country, ha ha).  Thank you for all of your prayers and for supporting my every decision.  

To the Goldman Family: I have always considered you to be a part of my family and am so blessed that I have you in my life. Thank you for being there every step of the way for me.  A & D, thanks for listening to me ramble on and on about stupid cancer.  Our conversations have been hugely helpful in putting my mind at ease.  Sometimes I just need to get those feelings out so I can move on, so thank you for being on the listening end of things.    

To my college girlfriends (Karin, even though we didn't go to college together, I consider you part of this group)Katie, I know you hate this song but this is where the Golden Girls theme song "Thank you for being a friend" would begin.  You girls are my rock and I don't know what I would do without you.  I felt like my life was a roller coaster after my diagnosis and you were there for me when I was too afraid to tell anyone else.  You are an amazing group of women and I am so grateful for our friendship.  

To the past and present NPD girls: I'm so glad that we have remained close after all these years. Who knew that sorority row would stick together as long as we have?   Thank you for listening to me vent, allowing me to cry and helping me to laugh again.  Sometimes a girl just needs a little comic relief and you are not only able to deliver on that but I would also say you over index. Let me know if you need me to create a chart with PCYAs to prove it. :) 

To my family at H&P: I am so fortunate to work with such compassionate and caring people.  You have probably seen me cry the most out of anyone and were not shy about running to my side.  I needed that and thank you for being there.  

To the McCormick Family: We unfortunately have both seen the craptastic things that cancer can do to people but yet you help me be optimistic through this.  And you cook me delicious meals and send me fun notes before chemo (which actually make me look forward to my chemo days).  I love you guys.

To Bonnie: Even though we just met, it brings me such comfort to have someone like you to go through this with.  I look forward to being on the other side of things and celebrating our health together.    

To anyone I have not mentioned but are reading now: I love you too.  Thank you for reading my blog, for your prayers, notes, and support.  I feel like I am surrounded by an army of supporters and it makes me feel incredibly powerful (so powerful that I can kick cancer's ass).