Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All I Want For Christmas Are Some Negative Lymh Nodes

Santa came to my house early this year!  I heard from the oncologist today and she said that my lymph nodes came back negative! The cancer also did not get into the surrounding blood vessels or lymph ducts.  So, this is GREAT news!  I have an appointment with the doctor next week to discuss my exact treatment plan but I do know that I'll be doing both chemo and radiation.  They just want to make sure any straggling cancer cells are destroyed.  Cancer is not welcome here!

Hope you all have a great holiday!  Have a drink to celebrate my journey to health for me.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Back At Home

Hello everyone!

I am back online!  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers over the past week.  The doctors said that surgery went well on Wednesday.  I came home on Friday and have been feeling stronger as the weekend progresses.  I'm trying hard to be a good patient and not lift anything, as the doctor has instructed, but it's not easy.  :)

I've received many cards, emails and text messages over the past few days -- sorry I haven't had a chance to respond to all of them but I want you to know that it means a lot. A huge THANK YOU to those that have made sure I've had 24/7 care and have kept me company which I recover.

Love and many hugs,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today is the day

Today is the day that I begin my journey to becoming cancer free! After what felt like months of tests, I am finally able to stop cancer from having the upper hand.  I am feeling very at peace about everything, calm even -- and I haven't even taken xanax yet.  :)

Thank you to everyone who has sent a message in the last day or so.  Sorry that I haven't been able to respond to everyone.  I appreciate and am so thankful to be surrounded by all of your love and support.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Look out cancer -- I'm coming for you!

Two things that made me very happy today:

First, I received the exciting news that my surgery has been scheduled for next Wednesday!  I know the doctor's schedule was pretty tight before the holidays.  I am very grateful that they were able to schedule it this year -- I did not want to agonize about surgery over my holiday break.  I am ready to make some strides forward and get this cancer out of me!

Secondly, the CTA Holiday train started zipping by my office on the brown line.  This is honestly one of my favorite things about the holidays.  I hope to sneak out of the office tomorrow afternoon to catch a ride around the loop.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Message to Cancer

Dear Cancer, this is my message to you.

Viewers please note: The song does have some explicit words.  (i.e. You may not want to watch at work or if you are around small children that like to repeat what you say.)
Also, beware that the song is a little catchy.

Friday, December 3, 2010


The surgery schedulers are working their magic to coordinate a date that works for both surgeons and the OR.  I should have a date soon...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Feeling better

Now that the BRCA news has had some time to settle in, I'm coming to terms with my surgical decision.  Having a bilateral mastectomy is my way of showing cancer who's boss.  I will not give it another opportunity to invade my body. 

Also, I met with a plastic surgeon yesterday that I really liked.  Reconstruction will be a muli-phase process.  It's not going to be easy but I'm confident that this surgeon will get me to where I want to be.  A special thanks to Bridget for coming to the appointment with me at the drop of a hat!

So, now that I've recruited my surgical team, it's time to schedule surgery.  I'll keep you posted on when it will be.  I'm still hoping it will be before the end of the year.
