Friday, February 4, 2011

So far -- kicking chemo's ass

I may be speaking a little too soon but so far I'm feeling pretty normal.  Yesterday I was feeling a little hyped up from the steroids they gave me to help keep the nausea at bay.  Consequently it gave me a little insomnia last night, but what else is new?

I went back to the oncologist's office this morning to get a shot that will help to keep my my white blood cell counts up.  Hopefully that additional precaution will help me to maintain a strong immune system and keep me on my planned chemo schedule.

Now, what blog post would be complete without an update on #4?  I'm happy to report that my drainage was under 50 cc's yesterday (the first time it had been under 65 cc's in 6 days).  And I'm seeing signs that drainage is continuing to slow.  So, great news on the drain-front.  I hope that I will be able to have this drain removed next week.  (Keep prayers coming for that though.)

1 comment:

  1. All great news!! Number 4 is stubborn, but at least improving! Prayers continue!
